A highly experienced beekeeper from Płońsk and director of the Płońsk Beekeeping Association. He has been running an extensive apiary with his wife for many years. Aside from producing excellent honey, he has been involved in educational work concerning beekeeping and therapeutic and educational presentations in his apiary.
Owner of a large agricultural holding in Winniki in the Nowodwoski powiat (Masovian province), known for an extensive educational enclosure.
He specializes in flax and rape seed oil production, cold pressed in a proprietary oil mill. Aside from beekeeping, he is a highly successful breeder of a traditional Polish race of pigs, Polish Landrace.
Link to the website: olejekowalski.pl
Doświadczony pszczelarz, prowadzi gospodarstwo agroturystyczne „Apisołtysówka” na obrzeżach Puszczy Kampinoskiej, w miejscowości Powązki, w powiecie warszawskim zachodnim. Jego specyfiką, oprócz możliwości smakowania doskonałych miodów pochodzących z tego gospodarstwa, jest centrum apiterapii z unikatową „komorą atmosfery pszczelej”
Link to the website: Apisołtysówka – gospodarstwo agroturystyczne
Holder of a Master’s Degree in Agricultural Engineering and an amateur beekeeper. Together with her daughters, she is developing a small agricultural holding in the Dmosin commune (Brzeziński powiat, Łódź province). Her apiary passion was spurred by her first contacts with urban beekeeping.
“Instytut Innowacji” Foundation